Present: Sandy Goehle, Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Kathy Wooden, Mike Braell, Courtney Marr, Robin Lindstrom, Patricia Baynes-Director
Excused: Shawn Williams
Meeting Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes of January 19, 2017 were approved as published.
Director's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for January 2017 was approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the January 2017 Treasurer's report was approved, including abstract#2, vouchers 2017-31- 2017-44. An update to the annual Treasurer’s report was also approved.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment made.
Newly elected officers: President- Carolyn Bradstreet, Vice President- Deb Nagle, Secretary- Sandy Goehle
Grants: Mike Braell- None at this time.
Building and Grounds: Mike Braell, Robin Lindstrom, Carolyn Bradstreet, Patricia Baynes, Jennifer Voss- Clerk of the works
Patricia and Carolyn provided updates on the purchase of 336 East Main Street. Carolyn and John Denniston expect to close on February 21, 2017. PCLB authorized movement of funds to cover closing costs, a temporary measure until generous, anonymous donation is in hand.
With PCLB approval, Kathy Wooden applied for the NYSEG Energy Saver Plan. In approximately 4-6 weeks, NYSEG will survey our lighting needs and install the appropriate LED bulbs, throughout the Library. A substantial savings in electrical costs, over time, is anticipated.
Items for Discussion:
Kathy spoke about the annual state financial report, the NYS annual update document and the tax cap compliance form. The PCLB approved the reports and authorized Kathy to file the necessary documents with NYS.
Discussion of a professional audit of PCL finances will be ongoing. Information will be sought on this subject from other Libraries.
Work to improve the back steps/rear entrance will be tabled for now and revisited in the future.
Mike Braell spoke with Town Of Palmyra Superintendant, Ken Miller about the state tax cap and shared that information. Further discussion, at a later date, as needed.
Carolyn and Patricia prepared a proposal for landscaping in the rear of the building, per Senator Pam Helming’s contact
Statewide Library Advocacy Day is March 1, 2017. Patricia, Carolyn and Sandy plan to attend the rally in Albany and speak to our local representatives concerning the Governor’s proposed budget cuts to both Library funding and Library construction aid.
Discussion of this year’s Dixie Prittie Awards will continue.
Information concerning a Macedon Public Library proposition for more funding was shared.
Other contacts for Library stationary will be sought.
Patricia shared a letter from the Community Foundation concerning contact information and her annual report for the state.
Next meeting-Thursday, March 16, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Goehle