Palmyra Community Library
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
September 21, 2017
Present: Carolyn Bradstreet, Sandy Goehle, Courtney Marr, Mike Braell, Shawn Williams, Patricia Baynes-Director, Kathy Wooden-Treasurer, Jennifer Voss-Clerk of the works
Excused: Deb Nagle Robin Lindstrom- resignation tendered
Meeting Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes of August 17, 2017 were unanimously approved.
Director's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for August 2017 was unanimously approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the August 2017 Treasurer's report was unanimously approved, including abstract #9, vouchers 2017-188 - 2017-213.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
Grants: Patricia reported on the status of the NYS Library Construction Grant. It has received preliminary approval and will be submitted to the state on October 4. The amount of the grant may increase, depending on the number of requests for grant funding. Checks for the grant are anticipated by July of 2018.
Building and Grounds:
1.Patricia and Jennifer reported on estimates received from A and A Electric and Hartman Electric for electrical work in the new parking lot. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the estimate from Hartman Electric, Plumbing and Heating, with the project to be partly completed within the month and the remaining parts of the project to be completed in the spring.
2.Jennifer will contact the Wayne County Highway Dept. for signage in the parking lot.
3.Jennifer reported that the new boiler project is completed, and should yield a substantial savings on future energy costs.
4.Carolyn led a discussion on the need for a volunteer who would do routine maintenance at the PCL. Patricia will provide further input when we revisit this issue.
5.Patricia discussed an estimate received from Ontario Tree Service, regarding the 8 trees on the east side of the building which need trimming. Jennifer will seek another estimate from Newsome or M and M.
6.Patricia reported that the prep work needed before the garage can be painted has been completed by Milkay Construction. Larry Harloff has now completed most of the garage painting except for the roof.
7.Patricia shared an estimate from John Westerman for snow removal at PCL this winter. It was decided more details were needed so no decision was made at this time.
8.Patricia shared several other items of note: There has been a bee infestation problem for which an exterminator was called. The air conditioning system malfunctioned and repairs were made. A deer in the creek behind PCL was taken care of by the DEC. 2 bikes, taken from the Library, were recovered and the person responsible was found. And, Patricia reported painted striping will be put on the new parking lot for possible winter use.
Items for Discussion/Resolution:
Carolyn highlighted some of the many upcoming events of interest: The PLS will hold a luncheon on Wed., Oct. 11 at the Canandaigua Inn on the Lake.
There will be a Trustee/Director workshop at PLS Thurs., Oct 26, at 5:30 with presenter Jerry Nichols.
The Canal Town Days Art Show, held in the 3rd floor space at PCL was deemed a success, with 36 artists, showing 86 pieces and over 200 visitors.
Patricia will conduct the community leader interviews as we continue to gather data and input for future goal setting.
Oct. 4, 7-9, the Board Retreat will take place at PLS.
The launch of the online community members’ survey, along with book marks and a Facebook “boost”, will take place mid October and run for 2-4 weeks. Ron will report on the info gathered, to further direct our goals for the future of PCL.
The next Friends of PCL luncheon will be Oct. 16, 12:00, with guest speaker, former Wayne County Historian, Marjory Perez, reviewing her book, Final Stop, Freedom! The Underground Railroad Experience in Wayne County, NY.
Also highlighted were upcoming painting classes with Becky Sloane and Get Fit with Kristi exercise classes, registration required.
Round Table Discussions:
Questions were asked about the procedure to fill the Trustee vacancy created by Robin’s resignation. Sandy shared the results of another successful Friends fall book sale and thanked Mike for coordinating a highly anticipated and popular pie sale. Thanks were extended to all Trustees for their ongoing help and support of Friends projects.
Next meeting-Thursday, October 19, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Goehle