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Writer's pictureSandy Goehle

July Minutes

Palmyra Community Library Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2023, 6:30 p.m.

Present: Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Sharon Sweeney, Chris Ossont, Sarah Wimer, Mary Beth Poupart, Barb Lloyd, Sheila Koeberle-Library Manager, Sheryl Ladelfa-Treasurer


Mike opened the meeting at 6:30.


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion made by Mary Beth and seconded by Sarah, “ the minutes of the June 15, 2023 Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting were unanimously approved.”

Director's Report:

Upon a motion made by Sarah and seconded by Sharon, “Sheila's Library Manager’s Report for June 2023 was unanimously accepted.”

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion made by Sarah, seconded by Sharon, “the June 2023 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #7, vouchers 2023-105--- 2023-120, with $10,563.39 funds requested and approximately $17,500 for payroll transferred.” Sheryl reported the need to change the contact names on several PCL financial accounts. After discussion, a motion was made by Mary Beth, seconded by Sarah and unanimously approved to “contact the First National Bank of Omaha, PCL’s credit card holder, to remove Patricia’s name from the account and to add the PCL Manager(currently Sheila Koeberle) and the PCL Treasurer(currently Sheryl LaDelfa)”. A second motion was made by Sarah, seconded by Chris and unanimously approved to “add the PCL Treasurer (currently Sheryl LaDelfa) to the PCL safety deposit box, held at the Newark branch of Community Bank”. After further discussion, third motion was made by Sarah, seconded by Chris and unanimously approved to “accept Community Bank’s offer to move accounts at Community Bank to their products that offer better rates of interest, and that the Secretary(currently Sandra Goehle) be authorized to sign a form required by the bank.” Sheryl also shared that the estimated NYS Retirement cost would be about $19,000, less than the budgeted $22,000 amount. Sheryl noted that the bill from Hartford insurance is on hold, due to a possible error on the bill.

Public Comment: none


Finance Committee: June 14, 2023, minutes have been digitally shared previously. Did not meet in July. The next meeting will be August 9, 6:30.

Policy Committee: Did not meet.

Facilities Committee: Sarah noted next meeting August 1. Sheila shared that PCL will receive some $ from the NYS Soil and Water Conservation fund for investigating the scope of the culvert project.

Evaluation Committee: Did not meet, but Mike spoke with Sheila about using the Trustee questionnaire, previously used with Patricia. Sarah will make the questionnaire available on Survey Monkey in September.

Upcoming Trustee Workshops:

Check the OWWL website for new Trustee workshop offerings in 2023. There are several workshops of interest coming up. Reminder of 2 hour Trustee Educational requirement.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

· Mike led a discussion of The OWWL Systems Access and Confidentiality of Library Records Policy. A motion was made by Sarah, seconded by Sharon and unanimously approved that “ Palmyra Community Library affirms the governance responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, including the oversight and support of the Library Manager in the management actions required to comply with all provisions of the Systems Access and Confidentiality of Library Records Policy, relevant OWWL Library System policies, respective local policies, and other NYS Laws referenced therein, to protect patron privacy and the patron data entrusted to Palmyra Community Library and OWWL Library System.” Mike will sign the form on behalf of PCL and forward to OWWL.

· Mike updated the Trustees on the required 2 hours of Library related training and the reporting process for each Trustee to complete. (Sample recording forms were provided.)

· Mike discussed the required updates to Sexual Harassment Prevention Model Policy and Training. This is an annual requirement and the policy committee will need to update the PCL Policy. Mike will look into setting up a group training for interested Trustees.

· Mike had digitally shared the PCL’s Charter with trustees and highlighted some important components. It was valuable to check back and see how the creation of the current PCL came about and how this document guides everyday operation.

· Sheila shared that 4 potential candidates for the October Trustee election have picked up petitions.

· Sandy asked Sheila to provide an updated Trustee contact list, and also noted she will miss the August meeting and asked Sarah to take notes.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to “adjourn at 7:35”.

Next meeting- Thursday, August 17, 2023, 6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle

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