Due to Covid 19 restrictions, this was a virtual meeting.
Present: Debbie Nagle, Sandra Goehle, Mike Braell, Ian Priestley, Sharon Sweeney, Sarah Wimer, Patricia Baynes-Director, Sheryl LaDelfa-Treasurer
Excused: Chris Ossont
Review of Annual Reports:
2020 Director’s Annual Report (Patricia)
2020 President’s Annual Report (Debbie)
2020Treasurer’s Annual Report (Sheryl)
2020 Grants Report (Patricia)
2020 Friends of the Palmyra Library Annual Report (Margaret Tracy)
2020 Policy Committee Annual Report (Mike)
2020 Finance Committee Annual Report (Mike)
A motion to accept the 2020 Annual Reports as written, was seconded and unanimously approved.
Election of Officers:
Nominations were made as follows: Debbie for President, Mike for Vice President, Sandy for Secretary. A motion was made and seconded to accept this slate of Officers for 2021 and was unanimously approved.
Annual Appointment of Treasurer for 2021:
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to reappoint Sheryl LaDelfa Treasurer for fiscal year 2021.
Assignment of Committees for 2021:
Grants: Patricia,(others as needed )
Building and Grounds:
Policy Committee: Debbie, Sharon, Ian, Patricia
Finance Committee: Mike, Sandy, Sarah, Chris, (Sheryl as needed)
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the Annual PCL Board of Trustees Organizational Meeting.