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June Minutes

Palmyra Community Library

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

June 17, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

This is an in person meeting.

Present: Debbie Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Ian Priestley, Sarah Wimer, Patricia Baynes-Director, Sheryl LaDelfa-Treasurer Absent: Chris Ossont, Sharon Sweeney


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the amended minutes of the May 20, 2021 were unanimously approved.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for May 2021 was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the May 2021 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #6, vouchers 2021-85 --- 2021-109. Sheryl reported on the ending balance from 2020, with the surplus currently included in Operational Funds.

Public Comment: none



1.Patricia reported that the deadline for Intent to Apply for 2022 Library Construction Grants has been extended to July 1, 2021. After discussion, the Board decided to apply for window sill replacement and back parking lot rehabilitation. The 2020 Construction Grant will be amended to an upgrade of the Library’s camera system. Patricia has received an estimate from Doyle and is awaiting an estimate from Johnson controls.

Policy committee:

1.Will meet soon.

Finance Committee:

1.Sandy noted that the May 19, 2021 finance committee minutes had been shared digitally. (June 16 meeting minutes will be published soon.)

Facilities Committee:

1.With several other projects requiring attention, a Facilities Committee was formed, comprised of Patricia, Sarah and Ian.

Building and Grounds:

1.After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to “accept the estimate from Architectural Sheet Metal Specialties for gutter repair and roof coating.”

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

· The Dixie Prittie award recipients will be celebrated on July 19, 6:00. Punch and cookies will be served for the annual awards ceremony.

· Debbie reminded the Board of various Trustee workshops being offered by PLS. Descriptions of the classes and registration is available on the PLS website.

· Sheryl hasn’t heard anything from the auditors. She reported that she is still working on the annual “AUD for NYS” and that it will be late. Sheryl also reported that the annual Worker’s Compensation Audit had been submitted.

· Patricia shared that people are beginning to ask about use of Library spaces. She suggested this be revisited on a monthly basis, before any changes are made.

· The Board continued discussion of new bank accounts. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to “ authorize the PCL Director (currently Patricia Baynes) and the PCL Treasurer (currently Sheryl LaDelfa) to be designated as signatories for the new accounts being opened at Lyons National Bank.”

· After further discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the Credit Card Policy, The PCL Credit Card Use Policy, and The PCL Credit Card Purchase Form, as written.

· The Board discussed the RACF. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved “for PCL to take advantage of the annual pay out option of the PCL Fund invested in RACF.” Mike will be the contact to facilitate this process.

· Patricia shared information about the move to Read Free/Fine Free libraries. After discussion, the Board agreed to the following:” Hereby Resolve that PCL will eliminate monetary fines and fees, and provide free and equitable library services to all people of our community.”

· Patricia reported that Sydney will be cutting her hours to Saturdays only, so she will need to hire another clerk. She proposed starting the search in late July.

· Because of time constraints, changes to the Bylaws will be revisited at the July meeting.

Upcoming Events at PCL: Please refer to the summer newsletter, PCL website or call the Library to check out all that’s going on.

Strategic Plan 2018-2022:

· Completed- installation of energy efficient AC for 1st floor-(2018)

· Completed-set-up of a suggestion box on the PCL website to collect patron feedback.(July 2018)

· Completed - back steps repair/improvement project.(Oct. 2018)

· Completed- external audit of PCL finances (Dec. 2018)

· Completed-Send Library news through monthly digital newsletters and e mail to increase public access to Library info (Dec. 2018)

· Completed- Creation of a CommunityResource Guide with current information about local services and organizations, in print and digital formats.(Oct. 2019)

· Completed the front parking area, including, paving, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive –up book return. (July 2020)

On deck for 2021 completion:

1.Install interior signage as guides to the Library collection and all various areas of the building.

2. Create a committee to begin planning for the next PCL Strategic Plan.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.

Next meeting-Thursday, July 15, 2021, 6:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle

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