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November Minutes

Writer's picture: dianerhodesdianerhodes

Palmyra Community Library

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

November 17, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

Present: Courtney Marr, Sandy Goehle, Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Kathy Wooden, ,Patricia Baynes-Director, Jennifer Voss-Clerk of the Works, newly elected trustees- Michael Braell, Shawn Williams

Excused: Robin Lindstrom

The oath of office for new trustees Shawn Williams and Michael Braell was administered. Robin to be sworn in later in the week.

Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes of October 20, 2016 were approved, pending the addition of October vouchers. Minutes were updated to include vouchers # 2016-208- # 2016-231.

Director's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for November 17, 2016 was approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the November Treasurer's report was approved, including abstract#11, vouchers 2016-254- 2016-277.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment made.


A grant was received from PLS for Library Play Spaces & 1000 Books Before Kindergarten. These new programs will be in place by January 2017.

Building and Grounds:

Update-Jennifer Voss and Patricia

  • Lower level heating improvement project was completed but not functioning as expected. Payment will be held up, pending satisfactory modifications.

  • Dan Wooden has been available to help with some jobs, keeping up for now. PCL will continue to look for volunteers.

  • Discussion continued on possible landscaping solutions for the creek area at the back of the Library property. Several businesses will be contacted for suggestions, with further discussion tabled until springtime.

Items for Discussion:

  • Conversations about screensaver options will continue with Cathy Contant.

  • A 2017 Budget Draft was submitted by Treasurer Kathy Wooden. After discussion, a motion duly made and seconded to accept the proposed 2017 PCL budget, was approved.

  • A discussion of Building Use Policy, after Library hours, will continue.

  • Patricia will contact PLS and schedule a new Trustee Training opportunity.

  • Discussion of the possibility of making the Treasurer a paid position will continue.

  • Tax cap resolutions must be made by late May, early June for the upcoming year. This issue and possible needs will be revisited in the spring.

  • Carolyn will attend a November 21 meeting with Bob Oaks, to thank him for past support of PCL and discuss concerns for next year.

  • Various options proposed by Bero Architecture for the rear entrance of the building were examined, with discussions to be ongoing.

Next meeting-Thursday, December 15, 2016, 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Sandy Goehle

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