Palmyra Community Library
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
December 20, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Present: Courtney Marr, Carolyn Bradstreet, Deb Nagle, Patricia Baynes-Director, Jennifer Voss-Clerk of the Works, Michael Braell, Shawn Williams, Robin Lindstrom
Excused: Sandy Goehle
Meeting Minutes:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting minutes of November 17, 2016 were approved.
Director's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director's report for November 17, 2016 was approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Treasurer’s report for November 2016 was unanimously approved.
Motion duly made and seconded, unanimous approval of Abstract #12, which includes vouchers #2016-278 -#2016-300.
Public Comment:
No public comment made.
A $1200 technology grant from PLS provided robotics that go with Legos.
Building and Grounds:
Update-Jennifer Voss and Patricia
Leo J. Roth Proposal – payment made for lower level heating as satisfactory modifications were made.
Lower level heating update – improved control systems
Snowplowing – great job being done!
Items for Discussion:
Tax Cap resolution-Kathy Wooden will report out at our next meeting.
Bero Architecture plan-On hold for now.
New Trustee Training-Thursday, February 9th 2017 at Newark Public Library
Jury duty policy – not an issue as it is already in the policy handbook.
Building Use Policy- Alcohol may be served at an event held at the library under either of the following conditions:
1. If the event is catered the caterer must provide a certificate of insurance and a liquor license. The
Palmyra Community Library must be named as an additional insurer.
2. The group holding the event must have general liability insurance which includes liquor liability.
The Palmyra Community Library must be named as an additional insurer.
Trustee list contact information –ready for distribution.
Update on Code Enforcement (Patrick Sheridan) The property west of the library has enough parking spaces if again used as an apartment building. Sale pending.
Next meeting-Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Carolyn Bradstreet