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December Minutes

Sandy Goehle

Palmyra Community Library Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

December 17, 2020, 6:30 p.m. *

*Due to NYS mandated Covid guidelines, this Board meeting was virtual. Written minutes, as well as a digital record have been created.

Present: Debbie Nagle, Sandy Goehle, Mike Braell, Ian Priestley, Chris Ossont, Sharon Sweeney, Sarah Wimer, Sheryl LaDelfa-Treasurer, Patricia Baynes, Director


Meeting Minutes:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the amended meeting minutes of November 19, 2020 were unanimously approved.

Director's Report:.

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Director’s report for November 2020 was unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the November 2020 Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, including Abstract #12, vouchers 2020-189- 2020-207. Patricia noted that an outstanding bill for 2 new laptops had not yet been received. The Board authorized Sheryl to pay any additional bills received by the end of 2020.( On Dec. 28, 2020 Sheryl reported payment for the laptops had been made, Abstract 12A, voucher 2020-208.)

Public Comment: There was no public comment.



There was nothing reported.

Policy Committee:

No recent meetings held, but moving toward completion of all policy reviews/revisions projected for Jan. 1, 2021.

Finance Committee:

Minutes of the December 9th meeting were previously shared digitally. The next meeting will be at PCL, 6:00, Jan. 27, 2021.

Personnel Committee:

The results of the Board Evaluation are being collated by Ron Kirsop and are expected soon.

Buildings and grounds:

1.Patricia reported a leaking radiator in the 2nd floor stairway. The water was shut off and a replacement estimate was sought from Fleming. After further discussion and advice, and in view of the fact that the stairway continues to stay warm enough, (it’s an emergency exit), it was decided not to replace the radiator at this time. The issue will be revisited in the future as the leak did cause some damage to the wall board.

2. Patricia reported receipt of the final check from the previous NYS Library Construction grant used for the parking lot project. The whole project is now complete, a job well done.

3.Patricia also reported receipt of the current grant from NYS Library Construction, to be used toward a roof replacement project. This project must begin within 180 days of approval(by April 16, 2021). Patricia will update the previous estimate from Jack Close and seek one other in hopes that discussion of the project estimates can take place in Jan., and with approval, the project would begin first thing in spring 2021.

Items for Discussion/Resolution:

  • After discussion of the proposed PCL 2021 Budget, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the $337,600.00 budget plan. Patricia will send the budget and all updated policies to Diane Rhodes for publication on the PCL website.

  • After discussion of the previously shared PCL Investment Policy, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the Investment Policy as written.( A big thank you to Mike who did the bulk of this work.)

  • A discussion of the July 16, 2020 minutes revealed a missing action vote which took place at that meeting. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to revise the July 16 minutes to include the Budget Policy vote. The change was forwarded to Diane Rhodes for posting in the place of the previous July 16 minutes.

  • As Minimum Standards take effect January 1, 2021, the Board would like to post them on the PCL website. Patricia is planning to send 18 updated policies to Diane for posting by the end of December.

  • Debbie reported contact she had with the Community Bank, concerning opening a portal so that PCL can apply to have the PP grant forgiven. She will continue to pursue this with the bank.

  • Patricia reported that the Pioneer Library System anticipates receiving monies from the Cares Act, with funds to be dispersed among member libraries. Patricia will apply, with the funds to be earmarked for Covid 19 related expenses.

Upcoming Events at PCL: Covid-19 update: Visit our website to see all that is going on.

Strategic Plan 2018-2022:

  • Completed- installation of energy efficient AC for 1st floor-2018

  • Completed-set-up of a suggestion box on the PCL website to collect patron feedback.(July 2018)

  • Completed - back steps repair/improvement project.(Oct. 2018)

  • Completed- external audit of PCL finances (Dec. 2018)

  • Completed-Send Library news through monthly digital newsletters and e mail to increase public access to Library info (Dec. 2018)

  • Completed- Creation of a Community Resource Guide with current information about local services and organizations, in print and digital formats.(Oct. 2019)

  • Completed-the front parking area, including paving and striping, lighting, landscaping and adding a drive up book return. (July 2020)

On deck for 2021 completion:

Install interior signage as guides to the Library collection and all various areas of the building. (2020)*Other suggestions for long range goals included updates to PCL security cameras, Community Science- STEM in the Library, roofing, updates to the Loan Closet.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn.

Next meeting- Annual Board of Trustees Organizational meeting, Thursday, January 21, 2021, 6:30 p.m., virtually, to be followed by the monthly January 21, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Goehle

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